
  • What is Graphic Design?

    What is Graphic Design?

    Technically Speaking

    Graphic design is the process of exploring and implementing solutions to visual communications problems. Graphic designers use both design and production elements—including color theory, typography, illustration, photography, animation, printing processes, raw materials, and programming techniques—to organize ideas visually that convey a desired impact and message. In addition to exercising aesthetic judgment and project management skills, the professional graphic designer is experienced in evaluating and developing effective communication and branding strategies that enhance a client’s image, service, or product.

    Design is thinking made visual.

    Saul Bass

    In The Vernacular

    In our own words, another way to say it would be that graphic design is visually appealing information with a purpose. There are plenty of folks and even businesses out there that claim to be graphic designers. But are they?

    NEWS FLASH: Just because you have a computer doesn’t make you a graphic designer. Just because there are free website builders and logo builders out there doesn’t mean that they live up to the definition of what graphic design actually is. Can a free website builder or logo creator work? Sure. But it will never have the same effect or impact as a personally researched, uniquely cultivated, or meticulously crafted project will. One that does will reflect the personality and voice of your business or product and actually get results while building trust. Fortunately for you, there are plenty of other businesses that rely on cookie-cutter designs, opening the door for massive impact when you pursue a professional graphic design that produces visually appealing information with a purpose.

    The Real Question

    So the real question is, are you cheapening your brand with a free logo or website builder? Or, are you working with a professional designer who can help you separate your business or product from the “cookie-cutter” crowd? Doodl Creative Studio has been helping businesses succeed since 1997 and we’d be happy to help you define your brand and build a strategy for future success. Whether you just need an identity update or a full-blown brand campaign, we’ve been down that road many times and can help. Give us a call.

  • Plan For Future Success

    Plan For Future Success

    Every year I reevaluate my business. Not because it needs change, but because it needs to be reminded of what the goal has always been. The simple answer is, “help businesses succeed.” The more complex answer is, “help businesses define success.” It’s never the same for any business. It amazes me how every business is so unique, even if they do the same thing.

    I’ve helped tons of businesses with their branding from a small startup logo to a full-blown brand campaign including print, web, tv, radio, and social. What I’ve learned is that, to some degree, both businesses are the same. Both small and large businesses have the same desired result. Both have the potential to make an impact and change their industry. So what is the real difference?

    Risky Business

    I’ve never met a business owner that didn’t want to grow and be successful. But in this new world where everything is “made in China,” the entrepreneurial mindset has become overly focused on price instead of quality. Granted, I understand how a small business with limited resources cringes at the idea of forking out hard-earned dollars for the potential of growing its business. Wouldn’t it just be better to pocket the cash and keep doing what you’re doing? The final decision is always up to you, but let me encourage you with this. There is always a way to weigh the risk with the reward. You don’t have to break the bank to be successful, but you should plan for success.

    What does that look like, practically? For some businesses, it simply means setting aside a percentage of their gross income specifically for branding, promotion, and advertising. Traditionally, that number has been 15% but can be anything you’re comfortable with. Then, once you settle on a number that works for you, feel free to give us a call and we can chat about what you can do with that amount.

    A lot of folks won’t risk hiring a professional because they think they can do it themselves, or use free options that actually cheapen the business’ brand. This is where a professional design studio or ad agency is most beneficial. While we do charge for our services, we also know how to stretch your budgeting dollars to arrive at the best reward, while lowering the risk. The companies that plan for success and take the risk will end up far better off than the ones that don’t.

    Culture & Personality

    Businesses that understand what branding is—always, without exception—generate more interest in their business. Why? It’s pretty simple really. Think about a business like McDonald’s. While I don’t recommend eating there, I have in the past. In fact, I’ve eaten at MickyD’s in both America and Thailand. There was literally no difference in how they operated, and what you got, other than the language that they spoke. The knowledge that I can get the exact same thing every time I go there, no matter where in the world it is, is branding.

    Most design firms and ad agencies will blabber on and on about how they can create a brand for you. The reality is that you already have a brand. It just needs to be cultivated. By digging into your own personality and the culture you represent, we can build a brand around who you are, instead of who you might think you are or even want to be. With a bit of research and coaching, we could have you on the right track in no time, influencing your audience and building relationships that last.

    Audience or Demographic

    Lastly, your audience is important, but not always who you think they are. A children’s dentist has an obvious demographic, but even that might be different than what you see on the surface. They generally don’t sell their services to children. They sell to parents, sometimes a single mom, or single dad, or sometimes to guardians, who can be grandmas and grandpas or aunts and uncles. Then once they commit, all of a sudden the focus changes to the child as well as the parent/guardian. Whereas a business that sells food has a much larger chore in determining who is going to be the main audience since everyone eats food.

    Again, this is where a design firm or ad agency can help. We like to define the audience and craft messages that resonate specifically with them—just like I’m doing to you right now! Think about it. You read this far. Why? Something I’m saying resonates with you. There is information here that you’re eager to figure out how to apply to your own business. That’s great. Let’s chat and build a plan around your budget and start building a better brand that gets more interaction with your audience. We’re happy to help.

  • Open For Business

    Open For Business

    First of all, let me start by saying that every business is essential. There is no such thing as an “unessential” business. If you work to provide for your family or yourself—then your job, your employees, and your business are essential. Sure, we can find better, safer ways to work. But now is the time to plan for the future. That is precisely why Doodl Creative Studio exists. While I work remotely, Doodl is, and always will be, open for business. Now let’s find a way to get you and the rest of the country back to work.

    After Wuhan, tons of businesses are closing, or going into debt to try to stay alive. When and how are people going to start working again? There are two obvious ways to answer that question from a design and branding standpoint:

    1. Stay in business longer than your competition. It might be rough. It might be risky. But business always is. Stay in business at all costs and you will end up with more work while your competition closes their doors.
    2. Start a new business in a dying industry. Several industries come to mind. The greatest thing about America has been its ingenuity and creativity. Find better ways to do what used to work. Start a restaurant, but make sure you have a drive-through. Start a brick-and-mortar store, but make sure you have an online presence and a way to sell on the web.

    Whatever happens, don’t give up. Give me a call and let’s talk about how to build a new better brand for your business to gain an edge while everyone else is sitting in quarantine. I can help with your logo, website, and brochures as well as billboards and print advertising. My job has always been to help other businesses succeed. Now is the time. Let’s get America back to work and open for business.

  • Montana Folk Festival Branding

    Montana Folk Festival Branding


    Project Background

    We created the first festival branding with the National Folk Festival from 2008-2010. The work continues with the locally owned Montana Folk Festival in Butte, Montana. We have designed the marketing materials every year of the festival. From print projects and website design, fostering the brand has become the focus. The goal is always to remind people when the festival is, as well as promote the culture. We like to make note of the good food, with an emphasis on the great music.


    Success Metrics

    The Montana Folk Festival is one of the largest outdoor music festivals in the Northwest. The festival draws around 150,000 people over the three-day event each year. The economic impact is estimated at over $30 million per year.

    What We Would Have Done Differently

    As an Arts Festival, we always wish we had explored more of an Arts angle on the festival branding. The music is a huge part of the festival and the photos of the music work great. But we’ll always wonder what could have happened with more of an illustrative, fine art touch. We continue to fine-tune our work year by year and have introduced some artistry in more recent years.


    Work Produced

    Website Design & Development, Poster Design, Brochure Design, Program Guide, Pocket Schedule, Outdoor Billboard, Event Signs & Banners.


  • 1805% Return on Investment?

    1805% Return on Investment?

    That’s right. It’s not a typo. From 2007 to 2014 Doodl Creative Studio (formerly Crevin Advertising) was on retainer with Gateway Community Credit Union in Missoula, Montana. We built a trusted, more desirable brand through creative print primarily, but also through TV and radio advertising. In that time their assets increased from $40 million to $60 million on a conservative budget of $150,000 per year. That’s an 1805% return on investment. Proof that great design and creative marketing make a difference.

    Doodl’s creativity and marketing knowledge played an important role in Gateway Community Credit Union’s growth from $40 million to $60 million in assets. I highly recommend them for your marketing needs.

    Jim Jacobson, President, Gateway Community Credit Union
    Credit Union Billboard

    Building a brand.

    When we first started working with Gateway, everything they did was different. Our main objective and goal were to create some sort of consistency. Their logo had been around long enough to build off of, but there were at least three versions floating around. Sometimes it was metallic ink. Other times it had a drop shadow. Still, other times it was a different font altogether. After creating a single logo for use in all applications, we built on to the brand through print, radio, and TV, creating a clearer message to their two primary demographics—45-65+-year-olds and millennials, 18-24.

    Mobile Banking:

    Gateway has been a trusted Credit Union in Missoula for a long time.

    Their main clientele has been the blue-collar working class. We helped them break into the white-color world and even into the millennial generation. Using high-quality stock images instead of crummy, low-budget local productions, we were able to build the brand image around a more professional image. Furthermore, one that speaks better to their target. This not only added value to their image, it literally added to their return on investment. They started to have a more professional image on one hand, and a more fun and vibrant image on the other, drawing both the professional workers and the youthful millennials. Right on target.

    Money, Money:

    Finally, because of their growth, Gateway merged with a larger credit union and we’ve parted ways. Lucky for you, though, we are in the “agency for hire” category and if you think your business can handle growth like this, give us a call to see what we can do for you.


    Corporate Brochure For New Members.

    Tradition deserves tradition. A high-end brochure for new members was a reminder that the bank is stable and growing. Playing with numbers all day can be tedious, so we resorted to our childhood and had fun with numbers and included a free calculator. Entering the number 07734 held upsidedown displays the word ‘hello’. The rest of the brochure provided statistics on why Gateway is so great. This project was polished off with spot varnish and a dull varnish to make the graphics pop off the page. These photos really don’t do it justice.

    Credit Union Corporate Brochure for New Members

    Print Advertising in the University of Montana Sports Programs.

    There were many ads created for local newspapers and inserts, but these were made specifically targeting students at the University of Montana in the sports programs. Concepting, creative direction, copywriting, art direction, and production are what we do every day.

    Credit Union Ad Montana Grizzlies Program Football
    Credit Union Ad Montana Grizzlies Program Basketball
  • Professional Designers Transcend The Industry

    Professional Designers Transcend The Industry

    Call them experts. Call them genius. Just make sure you call them.

    Clients who trust a professional to work on their car, or perform surgery, should no less trust professional designers. Gain the full advantage of a designer’s talents and processes to help your business thrive in a competitive marketplace. From putting your name on the map of endless competition to putting your product on the right shelf in the right store, a true design professional adds great value where the chop shops and amateurs leave you wanting.

    First of all, professional designers are committed to quality. The sure sign of a hack is a rip-off logo, bad letter spacing, or poor color choices. Therefore, quality is hands down the primary factor between an expert and an amateur.

    Second, professionals work from a code of ethical principles. A true professional will never take on projects that they don’t believe in. They will never pursue conflicting interests. And above all, they will follow through on their promises.

    Lastly, the true professional stands on a platform of the best business practices. The ultimate goal is to serve their client’s interests best. These designers are a rare breed. Thinking ahead, they can craft a brand that is timeless.

    Ultimately, a designer is an inventor, creating custom, individual, unique concepts from scratch. All the while making it specific to the client’s needs, without the use of templates and cheap tricks. A designer is a problem solver, an engineer, and an artist. Designers work for their clients to help them succeed and grow. No more. No less. The aim is at the center of the target.

    Doodl has established a high standard for professional practice as a branding expert and designer. Let us help your business do the same.

  • Value is Created by Professional Design

    Value is Created by Professional Design

    Graphic Design is an investment in value.

    First of all, Graphic Design is an investment in innovative thinking. It is positioning a brand by communicating its values. It is creating competitive advantages, customer trust and loyalty, and expanding market share.

    The modern business environment is changing rapidly. Competition is increasing and businesses need solutions to stay profitable. Most businesses lean toward the lowest-cost producer. Instead, they should consider a tried and true solution—professional design.

    Graphic design provides new life to existing products and businesses. It increases desire and ultimately improves market share. It is a low-cost investment that is most effective when employed early in corporate plans. Then executed throughout the life of the product or business. Learn more about return on investment. But, it is never too late to start.

    Doodl would like to be your strategic partner. We like to get involved as early as possible to clarify your message. In the end, we will produce a memorable, provocative, and thoughtful strategy to help you and your business succeed.

    We can help.

    Doodl has the experience, knowledge, and intestinal fortitude to build substantial brands from the ground up. We can also rejuvenate a brand that has grown stagnant or cold and give it new life. Sound good? Give us a call to learn more about how we can help your business or product.

  • The Art of Product Branding

    The Art of Product Branding

    True product branding is an art.

    Over the last hundred years, the art of branding has shifted from announcing that a product or service existed to becoming a culture shaped by that product or service. First, let us remember a simple definition of branding is: what you stand for. How does the public view you? What are the ideas they hold? Are they good or bad?

    A short history

    Let’s review the history of branding. We’ll see how the modern definition differs from that of the past.

    A major step in the creative revolution came in the 1980s when entertainment and experience became the top priority. Branding was about creating a memorable experience for the customer. Not just the facts.

    Advertising basically relied on creating an external brand image. One that counted on awareness, memories, and affection to drive sales. This model may have worked then, but with increased access to the internet, it’s a new world. Word-of-mouth reports, social networking, and personal experience have replaced even the emotional connections. This is because consumers now have easy access to the internal climate of any company. Therefore businesses cannot say one thing externally and internally act another way. Society wants honesty. And that runs true even with ads and products that they see and buy.

    The Shift

    Also, the most recent shift in branding uses sociological anthropology to shed light on this phenomenon. Man instinctively wants and seeks to live a life of meaning. One of the largest influence we have to define “meaning” comes through the filter of culture. In a consumer-driven culture, we want the brands that we associate with. If the meaning behind the values of a company matches the consumer’s values then they fuse themselves together. So we can see through values that it is the culture that traditionally gives individuals the pieces that compose their self-worth.

    In today’s economy, our worldview and culture come from many places. We have an unprecedented amount of choices due to the global community that we live in. Strategists are beginning to ask: what role does a brand play in consumption? What they are seeing is that “brands are symbolic units which are used, along with other symbolic units drawn from careers, music, fashion, religion, etc., to create this mosaic of the self.”1 Moving beyond entertainment, awareness, and features, brands are now as good as values.

    In Conclusion

    So, In conclusion, if a brand’s values are compatible with a customer’s values, that product or service becomes part of the customer’s expression of who they are and what is important to them. Contact us to find out how you can promote your business values to customers who are already supporting similar interests.

    1 Heilbrunn, Benoit. “Cultural Branding Between Utopia and A-topia.” In Schroeder and Salzer-Morling. Brand Culture. Routledge, 2006.
  • Color Theory & Psychology

    Color Theory & Psychology

    Whether you realize it or not, the colors of your brand influence people. From the ever-recognizable red of Coca-Cola to the bright blue of Ford, the way we perceive and react to color affects us in a multitude of ways. The culmination of these things is called color theory.

    Color theory is more important than you think.

    Color theory is a science in itself. There’s a lot involved. Perception of color is subjective to our own personal experiences and our broader cultural experiences. Colors not only affect the mind but also the body. Studies have shown that actual physiological changes occur when people are exposed to certain colors. Color can stimulate, depress, increase appetite, and create emotional responses and feelings of warmth or coolness. For example, red has been shown to stimulate the senses and raise blood pressure while blue has a calming effect. Red has cultural associations of importance (think red carpet), danger (stop signs), and anger. Sometimes, adjusting the brilliance, darkness, or lightness of a color can alter the psychological response. The rules of color harmony and context may also be followed to make sure that the color combinations do not put stress on the viewer’s eyes or make your message difficult to read.

    Color says much without ever using words and can add vibrancy and life to a business image.

    Find out how Doodl can help your colors speak.

  • Creating Buy-In With Your Brand

    Creating Buy-In With Your Brand

    Last time, we considered “what” your brand is, and decided on a simplified answer—what you stand for, how you are perceived by the public, and what ideas are held in an individual’s mind about your business. Now let’s consider “why” your brand matters and “who” it matters to.

    If the simple definition we have settled on is true, then your brand is the deciding factor on if you will attract new clients, how much business your current clients will continue to throw your way, how readily people refer your company to others, and will even influence how much effort and care your employees will put forth while on the payroll (Ask an Apple employee what they think about their company). Businesses need happy clients to survive and we are all looking for referrals. The better the brand, the easier this becomes. But a great brand affects other important folks that will have an impact on business productivity. What every business needs is buy-in.

    On the contrary, the wrong brand can be a real party pooper for your business. Let’s consider who those party goers are and consider if your brand creates buy-in with them:

    • The Public
    • Clients
    • Potential Clients
    • Partners
    • Employees
    • Those who give referrals
    • Recruiters
    • Suppliers
    • Lenders
    • The Media
    • Competition
    • Peers

    Doodl can help your party last long into the night with the kind of energy and excitement that rock stars wish they had. Give us a call or drop an email to chat about how to get there.